Shield Our Watoto (SOW) is a charitable nonprofit organization that partners with concerned parents, educators, faith based organizations, ministries, social service agencies, NGOs, activists and other advocacy organizations; in order to foster a safer and better environment for our children by addressing sexual violations and encouraging better community relations. SOW believes that continuous open discussions about this misfortune, will help to desensitize this taboo topic and encourage adults to choose the right thing of protecting the children within our community. ​
We believes that now is the time to do the right thing; stop the violence and protect our children from these unspeakable violations.
Our Mission
Create global dialogue among stakeholders about child abuse and molestation through education and empowerment. Create a sustainable mechanism to continue implementation of established best practices that will allow children to live and develop in a safe environment.

Our Vision
A safe environment in our community where our children can grow up feeling confident and secure.